Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Eighty-four days and counting

With talk of war buzzing in the air, its hard to have great expectations. But still I pray, and hope, and .... count! There are 84 days left til my first born son finishes his service in the IDF (Israel defense forces) God willing. Tzahal stands for צה"ל Tzavah stands for army ... haganah stands for defense force,....L'Israel (for Israel).

Its quite likely we'll have plenty to pray about these last 84 days. With an upcoming vote in the UN in Sept concerning the division of Jerusalem to make a Palestinian state. Of course it is the prayer of all Israelis to keep our beloved Jerusalem undivided. It seems absurd to us that the international community would pressure us to divide our capitol and Holy City of David. We've shared it from the beginning with all faiths and people.

With this mounting pressure,comes the expectation that there will be a fight on our hands in the near future to stand our ground and hold our land. Yesterday our son was given special training for these expected conflicts. It puzzled me that with less than 3 months of service left, they are giving them such intense training. I'm thankful for the training, and I pray that our army will be well prepared and equipped. Mostly I pray there will not be loss of life and no loss of land. I pray that our economy and government hold up strongly in the days ahead. I continue to pray, and count.