Saturday, February 26, 2011


February 27th we began our journey to Israel. We arrived Feb 28th, 2006, 5 years ago! Reflecting on it all is rather sobering. When I think of all the challanges of acclimating, the trials we endured, the transformations we've gone through, and what we have learned, it is numbing. I read an article recently that stated 50% of North American new immigrants to Israel, return within the first 5 years. I don't know if that information is accurate, but I wouldn't doubt it considering I have seen more people come and go than stay. And I can't count the number of times I myself have wanted to leave. Though I am fully grateful to the Almighty that we've been given the privilege to stay. Despite all my protests and complaints, God in His goodness has allowed us to enjoy the bad with the good, and not return to the mudpits of Egypt! Baruch Atah Yehovah!

1 comment:

  1. how I wish we could have stayed. honestly I wouldn't trade all that is going on there for the country of america. I wish I could be there fighting for my home. I am so homesick - i miss it so much. I wish I could be there to help ya'll and take some of the load. but right now i can't. i think of you often and hope that we can be together again soon.

    please be careful in everything you do and hang in there. one of these days there will be reinforcements.
    i am really taking Hebrew serious lately - as soon as YWHW brings us/me back there I will be prepared.

    i love you so much.
